Toby takes a hike

a goldendoodle's adventure

Archive for the month “April, 2013”

We are going camping!

The weather is finally warming up enough so we are ready for our first camping trip of the year!

Check out our itinerary below – wish us luck!

Camping Schedule


Hike: Return to River and Ruins

April 17 – Another link complete! Tonight we decided to finish off another link hike and visited one of our favourite trails.

We parked the car at Britannia Road and Blind Line and headed north-west on the Bruce Trail. It was not long before we reached the River and Ruins Side Trail – one of our favourite spots to hike.

DSC00405We trudged along through the mud – poor Toby never stays a white dog long on these spring hikes! Last time we reached the ruins Toby was very nervous going near the dilapidated structure but this time he was Mr. Adventure. Toby ran through the old door, played in the rubble and even posed for a few pictures!

After leaving the ruins we continued along the trail towards Guelph Line – by this point Toby was once again a two-tone dog thanks to the messy trail, his hiking companions also looking a little worse for wear thanks to an overexcited Toby.

When we reached the river there was no stopping Toby – he was going swimming. The water was moving fast so we tried to encourage Toby to stay close the edge – the bright side, a white dog emerged from the water. Toby also tried to introduce himself to a pair of Canadian geese, but to his dismay they were not interested in friendship and hissed until Toby ran away.

Joining the main trail we remember the worst part of this hike – switchbacks. We persevered, Toby pulling us up the hill and out to 8th Sideroad. We finished our hike walking through Kilbride and to our waiting car at Kilbride School.

Toby’s 6 kilometre hike can be viewed at Return to River and Ruins Hike – happy hiking!

Hike: Nassagaweya Canyon

Toby is very behind on his blog and is having trouble remembering his last hike so this will be a short one!

March 31 – Today we did a link hike. Just as it sounds, a link hike joins two sections of trail that we have already completed – today’s hike took us back to the Nassagaweya Canyon.

???????????????????????????????We parked our car at the dead end of Canyon Road and followed the path to the Bruce Trail. Toby being the silly dog he is decided to go for a quick dip in Limestone Creek as we headed towards Rattlesnake Point.

We passed the side trail to Rattlesnake and continued along the main trail. For the majority of this hike we saw little snow but as we passed through a cluster of evergreens we hiked through snow high above our boots.

We reached Appleby Line and continued along the roadside. Normally we do not like hiking along the road (too much traffic and not enough to look at) but motorists were kind and gave us lots of room as we trudged towards Kelso Conservation Area. We didn’t have far to go once we reached the conservation area and just as a light rain began to fall we reached the Glen Eden Side Trail and our turn around point. Where we left off on July 2, 2012 – Hike: Kelso.

DSC00382On our way back we saw definite signs of spring including pussy willows.

We decided to take a different route back, Leech Porter Side Trail, and enjoyed a slightly damp walk along the boardwalk.

Toby’s 12.6 kilometre hike can be viewed at Nassagaweya Canyon Hike – happy hiking!

Squeeze In


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